Stress and the not-so-single girl
Sometimes life is a barrel of monkeys. Have you noticed?
I still have several hundred pages to edit for Dawn of Redemption. Yep, the same several hundred I had the last time I mentioned it. And I still need to finish writing one single-title manuscript while another novella length story is waiting in the wings. There simply aren't enough hours in the day most days. Today, I had everything ready for a computer dude to come to my house and help me figure out some shopping cart software I need to install for a client. Looks like I'm going to have to call The Geek Squad on this one, however. Dude was a no-show.
When I was single, I would lament being stood-up. In fact, I thought my now-husband had stood me up on our second date, when he was supposed to meet my parents. I waited and waited and waited for him on the pier (or is it peir?) where his ship was docked (he was in the Navy) but he never showed up. I drove home in tears, to the point I had to pull over twice because I couldn't drive safely. When I got home, he was in my living room laughing it up with my Dad. That was almost our LAST date, I was so upset. But I was also relieved. He hadn't stood me up afterall.
But to be stood up by a computer geek? A computer geek I was going to pay? What a waste of my valuable time! I'm not going to cry about it, although not having this shopping cart installed is really ticking me off.
Nope. No tears this time around. I have a call out to a geekette (a very cute one, at that) and hopefully, she'll be able to help me. Until then, I'm going to make a dent in the edits on my desk.
I'll cry about my missing geek in the morning when I have time.